how do you share map

Started by khorin, September 08, 2009, 10:13:43 AM

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i've got a couple of friends that play rc. and i just made a map. but how do a share it with those friends


Your map is saved in the default Maps folder (C:Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Republic CommandoGameDataMaps).
Look for your map file (the_name.ctm) and send it to your friends (they have to place it in the same folder).


how do i now get to play the map together in mp form i did what one of the tutorials said. about changing the mapinfo. but it still doesn't work


Make your own server, open the console and type in 'switchlevel your_map'.
Of course you must open the right ports so your friend can join your server.


how do you mean open the right ports


Yeah, you need to open some ports in your rooter for people to see your server.

You have lot of informations about this in the Trouble (Launching menu > Help > Trouble and read the 7th chapiter).


can i do it wen my friends made the server?
and (i'm hating myself for this question) how do i make doors.because i'm making a sort of room within a room


uhm can somebody answer my question
or do i need to start a new topic


Well, if you mean putting 2 rooms togheter you have to make one smaller room between them like in the tutorial. If you mean moving doors I want to know to. xD
I was Ralex. I have finaly got to know how to change name! The thing was that I didn't know how to change it. :S
Proud member of Psycho.