
Started by ZaMiBa64, June 09, 2009, 07:07:35 PM

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Name: KF-House[TE]OutsideV5
Level recomended: Easy-Hard{NOT SUICIDAL TO HARD TRUST ME}
Map Size: 3.86MB
Playable?: YUP 101% lol
What testing is needed?:Pls look for holes in the walls or any gliches and report them to me.
Discription: Just a House and some tunnles..lol and a lab and a boiler room and a crash. Smoke galor and fire.
Map Maker: ZaMiBa64
KF-AHouse Maker: strykerRIPWare
V1 Released: May 30,2009 No Link
V2 Released: June 2,2009 No Link
V3 Released: June 4,2009 Removed Link
V4BETA3 Relesed: June 6,2009 Link on Beta Subjects..
V4BETA4 Relesed:June 8,2009 (Problem with meshes and Walls/ You could see the outside.. now fixed or covered to prevent this.) We Are Skiping V4 Due to Problems Now to V5 Finish.

V5 Finished..
Problems Textures need to be cripser
Needs Trader finders
Doors in some places..



Quote from: "ZaMiBa64"RELESED
What testing is needed?:Pls look for holes in the walls or any gliches and report them to me.

Hello ZaMiBa64,

There remain multiple holes (bsp tears) and glitches throughout the map. There are so many that I simply don't know where to start. The main culprit is overlapping brushes. If you don't overlap brushes then they will sit flush with each other and you will typically not have any holes or tears.

I took a look in the editor and there's a lot of work remaining with brush placement. This is a fundamental mapping requirement and is the first can't be highlighted enough.


Ok, Well i tryed to fix these and yet they wont work.. when i re made the walls some one them u could see thought when u didnt have a light on it.. also i need help with makeing the trader path seeing as they dont work correctly now..


The trader path has issues when there are many different routes. I've seen this in a few maps where you had lots of choices to get to the Trader. You follow the route one way and then suddenly it changes and you get lost.

If there are some holes in walls then that will also make the path think it can take shortcuts that aren't really there.