Maya and Pixologic's Zbrush

Started by Darktrooper, September 05, 2006, 01:37:25 PM

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I'm currently trying to make some new models for the game using these two programs. If anyone has any special requests, let me know and give me a pic of it. A blueprint of the front side and back would be perfect. Unreal has released the link for the maya plugin and I'm using 6.0. In theory it should import just fine. I seen a website where you could download 3d Max prefabs of Imperial/Republic vehicles, but I cant remember what it was. If I find it again, maybe we can start putting some of these vehicles in our maps :D .


Why not model for my game, I need a regular person, a few new wepons, and some random static meshes, just whenever u have some time try modeling by the examples I put here, thx.


hehe i make models for RC myself, but i cant light them correctly. Probably its Unreals crappy vertex lighting... If anyone has got the hang of light-baking, let me know :mrgreen:


Quote from: "VodeAn"Why not model for my game, I need a regular person, a few new wepons, and some random static meshes, just whenever u have some time try modeling by the examples I put here, thx.

See my post in the team area. :D


well u wouldn't have the copyrights so it would be my falt, and its a totally different game, that's sold/given as a mod, we'll just have some sponcers, oh and I have know about and watched this site since it came out a a while ago and I have always wanted to do more stuff in it, do you think I could be an admin/moderator? jst asking.


again, you may never sell mods without the license, which i do not think is in your possession ;)

about the mod/admin stuff you'll have to ask sandcrawler, although I think 4 admins will be enough for a small forum like this :wink:


again, ill have sponcers sponcer a team and then the mod will be free, your just "contributing" to our research by sponcering us :wink:


WTF is a sponcer actually? Do you mean sponger? lol or sponsor? And wtf does your sponsor do then? Support you with money or what? o_O


correct, support with $, but the Game would then be free.
*sponsor, sorry


and why should someone pay you to make a free game? What would be the advantage for the sponsor then oO


that's the point, u need to make $ and they want a game, so you give them a FREE game for "research" FUNDS.