How can I create a new Actor Script ???

Started by Skip, July 02, 2009, 10:29:34 AM

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ok, I searched around and found the menu actors. but I also found out that the most menu actors have a script. I can edit a script and compile it, but how can i create a new script for a new actor by myself ????? there is no "new" button in the script editor !!!


yes . i made nu commando 88 but he has no hudname or hud description. member the clonevisor icon and helmet icon would need to add nu commando number and more . i thought you might be able to cop properties of scorch and use sev audio etc mix n match but not so it looks. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  i think its only npcs u kan add. unless anyone knows ???/ helloooo ??/? :lol: